Home » Products » China Hospital Incinerator 20kg 50kg 100kg 150kg 200kg 300kg 400kg 500kg 750kg 1000kg

China Hospital Incinerator 20kg 50kg 100kg 150kg 200kg 300kg 400kg 500kg 750kg 1000kg
Medical Waste Incineration Pyrolysis Furnaces
Incineration is the only method providing complete destruction and neutralization of hazardous and infectious waste.
Yuanda Pyrolysis Furnaces for waste incineration are designed according to the CE directive and regulation, suitable for the incineration of clinical waste in healthcare facilities, clean and hassle-free disposal and safe destruction of:
1. Specific hospital waste» and «other hospital waste»
2. Medical, Clinical, Pathological, Healthcare Waste
3. Biomedical Refuse (Red Bag) Waste
4. Biological and Biohazard Waste
5. Needle and Sharps Disposal
6. Food Waste
7. Industrial Solid and Liquid Waste
8. Urban Waste
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